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cacao farm forest




Our organic cacao orchard is maintained entirely by hand. All pruning, mulching, disease management and harvesting is done by our family and amazing staff.

We farm in harmony with nature, mimicking its' systems through agroforestry.

Cacao makes up just a small part of our extensive agroforestry system, which provides an abundant supply of vegetables, salad greens, fruits, herbs and spices. Many of which we use to flavour our chocolate and are eaten daily by both family and visitors.

Located in the foothills of La Cangreja National Park and within the Scarlet Macaw Biological Corridor we work hard to safeguard habitats and the unique species within them.

In recent years we have focused our energy on expanding our agroforestry systems and planting thousands of trees to reforest and regenerate our land. We have brought the tree line within metres of our family home and chocolate kitchen and re-established wildlife corridors throughout our farm.


Our work to protect natural resource and minimise our waste and impact on the land is recognised by our 4 star rating in the Blue Flag sustainability program.




Vanilla and cacao have been been cultivated and consumed together for thousands of years.

In addition to cacao we have hundreds of vanilla plants in production, allowing us to further expand the range of products coming from our agroforestry system and further our goals to produce the majority of flavourings for our chocolate ourselves.

Visit our FARM SHOP to purchase our chocolate and other products from the farm 

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